From Redneck Diva to Domestic Goddess....experience the transformation!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Winter Sore Throat Tea

I picked up this idea from my friend Marta, who in turn picked it up from her special niece Scarlett in Texas. I'm always looking for new ideas on keeping us healthy & feeling good without going to the doctor. So this is definitely a must try for us!

Combine lemon slices, organic honey, and sliced ginger in a jar. Close the jar and put in your fridge until it forms into a jelly. To serve, spoon some of the jelly into a mug and add boiling water. This mixture will keep in the fridge for two to three months.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Homemade "Febreeze"

Love getting those bottles of Febreeze or other fabric freshener, but hate paying the cost? Boy, do I have one heck of a money saver for you then! You'll get the same great smell, but at a fraction of the price. Plus, I've found, the fragrance lasts much longer than the store bought.

One thing to keep in mind, however, do not spray it on wood or linoleum floors as it will get very slippery. Found that out the hard way, but we won't go into details about that!

All you need is a spray bottle, water and your favorite kind of liquid fabric softener. I choose Gain because I absolutely LOVE the smell of it! Add 1 Tbsp of fabric softener to your spray bottle. Fill the rest of the bottle up with water and give it a good shake. You now have your fabric freshener. Yes, it really is that easy! And because you only use 1 Tbsp of the softener, your supply will last an extremely long time.

Give it a try! I guarantee you'll be amazed at how well this works.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Smelly Trick

I love walking into the candle stores & taking in a deep breath. It smells so good! All those wonderful scents blending together into one. I would love to walk into my house & have it smell the exact same way. However, that would require a very large amount of candles. And while I do have quite a lot, just ask my husband, I don't have the space to put all that out in the house.

I have found a little trick, though, that is a simple and inexpensive way to make the home smell yummy good. All you need is some vanilla extract, a coffee liner and your stove. Put two caps full of vanilla extract in a coffee liner, then place it in the oven at 300 degrees for one hour. Within twenty minutes the whole house smells like heaven. It's actually a common realtor trick and works amazingly well!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cookbook rack

There are so many clever ways to reuse an item for a completely different purpose. You just have to figure out how to make it work. I've come across a lot of great ideas that I never would have thought of on my own. My brain doesn't quite think that way....yet.

Have you ever been cooking with your faithful cookbook laid out and the pages won't stay still? You can prop the book up, but the pages will still fall. You can lay something on top of the book, but then you have to keep moving it to see what is on the page. could reuse an item and do this!!!

What a great idea!! No adjustments need to be made....just clip & start cooking! Now, I do have some books that just wouldn't make this possible. However, I do believe I'll be doing this with some of my smaller books! Happy Cooking!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Goddess Is Emerging...

Since I've become a stay at home mom, I've found that every once in a while you really need to be creative about things. Find different ways to stretch that dollar....make the penny squeal, so to speak. But along with being a coupon queen, there are other things that you can do to make life just a little easier. And we all can benefit from that!

So, this blog is dedicated to making things just a little easier on all of us. Creative ways to get things done, new ideas in using old stuff, even DIY ideas to save that dollar. I hope you get inspired by some of what I've found & share some tricks of your own!